Monday, March 5, 2012

No deficit dogma in China

China's premier calls for more deficit spending in reaction to the slowdown in growth.

BEIJING (AP) -- China's premier outlined plans Monday to fuel domestic consumption, including subsidies for social programs and higher spending for businesses, as the government grapples with a slowing economy and rising public demands for greater fairness.

China does what it must in order to keep growth and employment at the desired level without the distortion of deficit hysteria or the nonsense of "fiscal sustainability."


Matt Franko said...

Yeah but Mike, all of those hydro-electric dams they have built over there to provide renewable energy and much needed flood control, as they were built by the government sector, are not real and productive as our adversaries have claimed...

It's like they dont even exist, I've heard that when you plug a toaster into the plug that is connected to these hydro power systems, your bread doesnt toast!

As these assets were not built by the private sector, they are not real and productive.


Anonymous said...

What does this have to do with our economic condition? How's Outer Mongolia doing while you are giving us meaningless dribble?

Anonymous said...

China does have a low debt to gdp ratio, so there's no reason for the crazies to start screaming and pulling their hair out in panic.

Apparently St. Kitts and Nevis has a debt to gdp ratio of 185%.

dave said...

i heard mitt on one of his ads complaining about "borrowing"from china. i say if he is really that concerned we should tax the hell out of mitt. maybe he is just LYING

Mario said...

China understands MMT and that is one reason we all need to get seriously serious about making MMT mainstream in the USA. As far as I can tell our nation's future is literally on the line here. The trajectories and math are irrefutable imho. Granted there are social/political constraints over there....but more and more it's as if the we are joining them in their political shackles. It's so fu**ing insane I could cry!!!