Sunday, October 21, 2012

Peter Fryer — What are Complex Adaptive Systems? — A brief description of Complex Adaptive Systems and 
Complexity Theory

Short description of complex adaptive systems.

trojan mice
What are Complex Adaptive Systems? — A brief description of Complex Adaptive Systems and 
Complexity Theory
Peter Fryer


The Arthurian said...

Thanks Tom. Interesting. I'll have to read the link again.

Tom Hickey said...

Art, also notice how he points out that human systems are not only complex adaptive systems like other in nature but they are complex evolutionary systems due to the higher level of human intelligence and its organizing power that accommodates a more flexible adaptability rate and a different order of coordination than other species.

Our "special" problem resulting from that advantage is that our species has the curious trait of some members becoming parasitical on the system, which leads eventually some form of dysfunction or collapse. So far this has only affected some societies, but as we enter the global age we face the danger of ecological dysfunction and even collapse.

John Zelnicker said...

Thanks, Tom -- This is a concise explanation of complex adaptive systems and considering how important they are (esp. re: Roger E.) it was something I needed. Saved it for reference.

Anonymous said...

You might also find this brief paper by W. Brian Arthur interesting:

Letsgetitdone said...

Here's another brief exposition of complex adaptive systems: with a somewhat different emphasis.