Thursday, January 2, 2014

Mike Whitney — Work Until You’re Dead?

A sizable chunk of the adult population is going to punch a clock until they keel-over in the office parking lot and get hauled off in the company dumpster. And those are the lucky ones, the so called baby boomers. By the time we get to the millennials it’ll be even worse because the economy will have been ravaged by 25 or 30 years of austerity leaving the proles to scrape by on hardtack and gruel. Pensions are already being looted, Social Security is under fire, and any small stipend that supports the poor, the unemployed, or the infirm is going to be terminated. That’s why everyone is so down-in-the-mouth, because their expectations of the future are so bleak….
Go figure. And there’s a larger point here too, which is that Americans have always believed that their children would enjoy a higher standard of living than their own. Until now, that is. Now most people think things are going to get worse, much worse. You see it in all the surveys. Expectations have changed, the future looks darker than ever before, and people are scared.
Work Until You’re Dead?
Mike Whitney | Counterpunch

This is clearly unsustainable politically. Look for a growing populist backlash on both left and right.

1 comment:

The Rombach Report said...

"Work Until You're Dead?"

I think the syntax goes better with.... Work Yourself to Death.