Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Promoting Free Trade Is Like Pushing Heroin? God Damn the [UnRegulated] Pusher Class.

   (Commentary by Roger Erickson)

Yet another bad news story was recently published, this time about India, yet it included a now-familiar refrain.
"... every second child is malnourished."
Starving Children ... on "Children's Day" (uneducated too)

And India is seriously thinking of trying another war with Pakistan and/or China? No way.

That's like a half-dead man climbing into a boxing ring. No wonder a few Brits could defeat & colonize the whole country.

India can send a rocket to the moon, but can't even feed half it's people? Something is near fatally out of whack.

How did this happen?

WHY on earth is it STILL happening?

Then, reading on, a sickening phrase popped up, explaining all.
"Barriers protecting industry, manufacturing and agriculture were demolished." 
Uh, oh.

Maybe India doesn't keep up with known literature any more than our Middle Class  - or blindly treasonous economists - do. What good is ANY amount of data, accounting, or theory, if people have already endorsed a context other than the one that THEY inhabit? The entirety of orthodox economics is officially insane. It completely ignores the most simplest of questions.

How Rich [Classes] Got Rich And Why [Middle Classes] Stay Poor

The answer? The poor ones - countries or classes - misplace their faith in treasonous "leaders" and their economics pushers, who sell their fellow citizens to merchant colonists and/or merchant gangsters ... for pennies on the pound. (And then reward themselves with faux "Nobel" prizes for doing so.)

Erik Reinert is the only economist I've ever heard who seems to have a basic familiarity with truly complex systems, physiology or biology.

Of course every culture needs merchants, just like every body needs dozens of organs and hundreds of different cell types. Yet they must ALL be hemmed in, and aligned, by adequate checks & balances. Otherwise a given cell type becomes a cancer on the body. And an unregulated merchant class becomes a cancer on the very populace it purports to serve. Our Upper Looting Class is simply that, a constant cancer on society, in every country.

Free Trade? That's like me shutting down my kidneys, because a vendor offers to give me "free" dialysis ... (for awhile). Sure you get some free goods, briefly, but you are thereafter dependent, forever, and soon dead.

Promoting Free Trade Is Like Pushing Heroin? 


Roger Erickson said...

"India has become a model of the imperial cult of “neo-liberalism” – almost everything must be privatized, sold off. "

OMG .. who is weeping for India?

John Hemington said...

It's the tired libertarian mantra, eliminate governments and set the markets free and we'll live happily ever after . . . pure utopian nonsense. There are no such things as free unconstrained markets. Any such market almost immediately descends toward, and eventually becomes, a monopoly; or, at best, an oligopoly.

All we need to do is look at the U.S. from the Clinton administration to the present to see this playing out. Yes, the government is bigger, but it no longer even pretends to be acting as a neutral arbiter between the people and the corporate and financial megalith. The politicians now respond only to the highest bidder and the Supreme Court has formally approved this approach.

We are now all serfs of the corporate monster.