Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Senate fight likely over unemployment benefits

Mike has estimated that the lack of an extension to Federal UE benefits that impacted January 1st has reduced Treasury spending by an approximate $30B annual rate; $2.5B per month.

This reduction in the leading flow of USDs from the Treasury will hit the consumer non-discretionary firms directly in the revenues probably with a multiplier.

So this is going to be a pretty hard kick square in the balls to the Wal-Marts of the world and other discount retailers this month, not even to mention the moron removal of means of subsistence for their affected customers/households who have been thrown out of their unemployment benefits.

Senate Dems are taking a run at re-instating this flow while the GOPers seem to want any re-instated flow to be offset by other reductions, i.e. maintaining the January 1st $2.5B/mo. net reduction in Treasury flow.

So the moron-fest continues in earnest early this year for sure, the related story at the Washington Times.

1 comment:

googleheim said...

Irony ... when Wal-Mart and macdonalds program their slaves with forced Medicaid and benefitz