Saturday, February 8, 2014

International Coordination To Do ..... WHAT? Loot the MiddleClass ... everywhere?

   (Commentary posted by Roger Erickson)

South Africa pleads for global coordination amid Fed [QE?]
The 1% of every OTHER country, not just ours, wants to feed off of the US MiddleClass too? Just WHO is coordinating WHAT here? The 1% coordinating international Control Fraud?

??  I thought it was our $US, and their problem. No?

Instead of the 1% everywhere "coordinating," what if the MiddleClass of all countries coordinated? Or heck, even the MiddleClass of the USA alone!

What would "we" tell the Free-Trade = Free-Labor looters, and their little banksters too?

And, maybe also tell 'em to stick their 1%-size heads where the sun don't shine? 

"1, 2, 3 ... all together now .... co-ordinate!"


Matt Franko said...

Sounds like he is complaining that the $ is too strong and they are short USDs over there in South Africa Roger....

So it is more costly for them to obtain the USDs to meet USD liabilities of SA entities...

"he that borrows what isn't his'n, pays it back or goes to prison..."

If you look at how our Greek ancestors ran it, they would not allow their domestic citizens to traffic in foreign currencies here is Plato from 2,300 years ago:

"Wherefore our citizens, as we say, should have a coin passing current among themselves, but not accepted among the rest of mankind; with a view, however, to expeditions and journeys to other lands-for embassies, or for any other occasion which may arise of sending out a herald, the state must also possess a common Hellenic currency.
If a private person is ever obliged to go abroad, let him have the consent of the magistrates and go; and if when he returns he has any foreign money remaining, let him give the surplus back to the treasury, and receive a corresponding sum in the local currency."

No "imbalances" ever would build up with this system....

Then they let external trade settle in real terms, ie a cargo of pitted dates for a cargo of cured olives, etc...

Boy good thing they had non-morons running things back then or we might not even be here!


googleheim said...

1. Send in the peace corps.
2. Win them over with NGOs.
3. Slip in a few USD and coins
4. Lock in the loot!
5. NSA will monitor the results.
6. EU - jealous as biscuit batter.

googleheim said...

The liquidity drain is getting to be ridiculous.

It is not helping our allies who accept U $ D.

What about nations that borrow in Euros?

Do they have same problem?

Is Europe wagging tails?

Roger Erickson said...
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Roger Erickson said...

Roger Erickson has left a new comment on the post "International Coordination To Do ..... WHAT? Loot ...":

China is saying that if they all just borrow in Yuan instead ... the whole question of independence will just go away. :)