Friday, February 14, 2014

Jonathan Chait — Karl Rove: Presidents Who Leave Deficits, Bad Economies, and War Are the Worst

No, Rove is not taking about George W. Bush, but Barack Obama. 

Rove has become delusional along with the rest of the GOP. Bush left wars that he started unfinished and bequeathed a trillion dollar "bad" deficit to address a near depression at the time he left office that was the culmination of decades of Reaganomics.

Not to praise Obama or exempt him from criticism for the way he handled the situation he inherited. However, a mitigating factor is the lack of political space he also inherited from a Republican party committed from the outset "to break him," as Jim DeMint put it.

New York Magazine
Jonathan Chait


Detroit Dan said...

Very well said, Tom (and Mike (c:

googleheim said...

RepukeKKKlans are per my other comments.

Break Obamacare and blame Obama.

Break the economy, blame Obama.

Wash the tracks away for Georgie Porgie.

They use backdoor MMT all day long and that's all folks