Monday, August 18, 2014

Don Hazen — An Illuminating Sat. Night with Key Witness to Ferguson Shooting

I started by asking Crenshaw the big question. Did her view of Brown's shooting differ in any way with what Dorian Johnson has said?
"Absolutely not," she responded. "I saw the cop shoot Brown several times in the face, even after he had turned around and had his hands raised. I can tell you the essentials, since I've been interviewed on local TV, by newspapers, and most of this information is already on the Internet, and I posted my video from immediately after the shooting to my Facebook page."
Crenshaw told the LA Times, "I witnessed the police chase after the guy, full force. He ran for his life. They shot him and he fell. He put his arms up to let them know that he was compliant and he was unarmed, and they shot him twice more and he fell to the ground and died. (Read her most in-depth interview here.)
An Illuminating Sat. Night with Key Witness to Ferguson Shooting
Don Hazen


Malmo's Ghost said...

The left looks increasingly idiotic in their violent rush to judgement against the cop. Looking more and more like Brown was a drugged up, strong armed robbing, 6-4, 290 lb thug bumrushing the cop who shot him:

Malmo's Ghost said...

At least someone besides myself can plumb when the left is full of shit:

Malmo's Ghost said...

...oh, and most of the libertarians are in lockstep with the nutty left on the Ferguson shit.

Tom Hickey said...

Hazen concludes his post: "What's clear is that we do not yet know all the facts about what happened that night in Ferguson, Missouri. "

There are at least 40 FBI agents there now, and the president is sending Eric Holder to Ferguson, so hopefully there will be an objective investigation. Whether the full results will ever be forthcoming is questionable based on how federal investigations have gone in the past and the president's go along to get along stance and reticence to create waves.

But the story has really moved way beyond Michael Brown and what may have happened to him into a Cause célèbre with national and international implications.

For example, there is now serious consideration of police militarization. A lot of people have been shocked at what they saw. John Oliver summed it up.

It also points up the contrast between the Bundy affair and Ferguson wrt to the level response of lawlessness. The contrast is stark.

Of course, this is turning into a left-right issue, like just about everything else. But it is much more than that, too.

Tom Hickey said...

I don't want to minimize MB or MH17, for that matter. But both situations have taken on a life of their own and resulted in consequences and continuing ramifications that go far beyond the incidents themselves.

Malmo's Ghost said...

Tom, Eric Holder is an incompetent, partisan shill. He in no way will help clarify the situation.

Malmo's Ghost said...

...and the response to the violence in Ferguson was more than appropriate relative to Bundy. Apples to oranges.

Malmo's Ghost said...

I'm on the Buchanan right side on this one too:

The left is going to get shellacked come November.