Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Don Quijones — Russia Sanctions Stir Up Top-Level Mini-Revolt in Europe

In Europe, fears continue to grow over the potential consequences of the EU’s decision to double down on sanctions against Russia. Concerns have been brewing for some time, but it has finally dawned on some European leaders that completely alienating the EU’s largest neighbor and vital trading partner may not be in Europe’s long term interest. And these private fears are now being voiced in public.…
What’s more, with the global economy – in particular, emerging markets – now in the doldrums, the chances of finding alternative consumers of Europe’s goods and services are growing slimmer by the day. And this is a problem to which even the Grand Master of European Central Bank alchemy, Mario Draghi, will be hard pressed to conjure a solution. After all, the one thing central bankers can’t print out of thin air is international trade, which just so happens to be the lifeblood of all economies.
Wolf Street
Russia Sanctions Stir Up Top-Level Mini-Revolt in Europe
Don Quijones

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