Thursday, February 12, 2015

Luciano Lake — Poroshenko surrenders Ukraine to the IMF

Just what Michael Hudson has been saying for some time was in store for Ukraine.
If you are a puppet of the US empire and you consign your sovereignty to Washington, you get an abundance of money, financing, arms, and multinational corporations looking for business and ready to plunder the resources of your country. If instead you put yourself on a collision course with these powers, as in the case of Greece, your financial faucets get shut off, and you risk default.

This is the lesson from two parallel vignettes, that of Ukraine on one side, where a U.S. puppet government took office, via coup d’etat, and on the other, that of Greece, where, thanks to free elections, a popular government took office hostile to big banks and the EU.…
Should anyone disingenuously suppose that finance and international politics are two different arenas, today you totally have to change your mind.
Fort Russ
Poroshenko surrenders Ukraine to the IMF
Translated from Italian by Tom Winter

originally published in Italian at
Poroshenko IMF gets a mega loan for Ukraine on condition of delivering lands, resources and procurement of public services to large US corporations
Luciano Lake

And don't pop the champagne over the Minsk 2.0 accord just yet.

Fort Russ
A new calm before a big war
Evgeny Krutikov for Vzgliad
Translated from Russian by Kristina Rus


mike norman said...

He's an oligarch. That's how oligarchs roll.

Tom Hickey said...

Right, the US rewards its puppets handsomely.

Matt Franko said...

They will never pay this IMF loan back .... might as well just give them the money....

Tom Hickey said...

That's part of the deal. They have to continue borrowing and with every new loan give up more and more of their country. This is what's happening in Greece now, which Syriza is valiantly trying stop.