Sunday, February 15, 2015

Matthew Bodner — The end of nuclear deterrence? The U.S. hypersonic missile program

The United States is leading the chase for the new weapons, which Russia firmly believes poses a significant threat to its own nuclear missile forces. 
"Russia considers this trend as a path to obtaining [non-nuclear] means of depriving Russia of its deterrent capability," Dr. Eugene Miasnikov, director of the Moscow-based Center for Arms Control, Energy and Environmental Studies told The Moscow Times. 
Russia's sensitivity to threats to its nuclear deterrence could lead it to mistake a hypersonic missile launch as the opening moves of a larger attack, some analysts say, arguing that the weapons are so destabilizing that their mere development could spark a nuclear war between major powers.…
The Moscow Times
The end of nuclear deterrence? The U.S. hypersonic missile programMatthew Bodner

The Moscow Times is a liberal newspaper.

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