Monday, February 16, 2015

Yves Smith — Varoufakis Charges Eurogroup with Bad Faith Dealing in Negotiations

Yanis Varoufakis describes how he was presented with one memo before the Eurogroup meeting and a very different one at the meeting proper.
Naked Capitalism
Varoufakis Charges Eurogroup with Bad Faith Dealing in Negotiations
Yves Smith


Detroit Dan said...

I'm feeling pretty good about Varoufakis. He's a close associate of James Galbraith and is probably (undoubtedly?) MMT-literate.

Malmo's Ghost said...

The anti Greek vitriol spewed by The Telegraph is nauseating. The narrative of "those lazy, shiftless Greeks" must permeate most of Europe. There really is a palpable sadistic wave running over Europeans. This sentiment was obviously sewn by their financial overlords who control much of the press coverage in the region. Poor Varoufakis has an almost impossible mountain to scale here.

Feb 28 looks to be DDay for Greece. Can't imagine Varoufakis walking his demands back, nor the EZ doing so either. If I had to bet my own greenbacks, I gotta say EZ gonna steamroll Syriza and company. Varoufakis needs to understand he's dealing with vicious monsters here. You want to remain in euro, you're going to have to be, for lack of a better word, the EZ's bitch. Hope YV understands this.

Detroit Dan said...

Hmm, I heard that Varoufkis was perceived as a rock star in his recent tour of Europe. From The Guardian:

In the space of three short weeks, he’s been christened Europe’s man of the moment, compared to heroes great and small, likened to a rock star, hailed as a sex icon, feted by fashionistas, and in Germany, no less, portrayed as the greatest action man to bestride planet earth since Bruce Willis set Hollywood alight in Die Hard 6. Few have had their demeanour and dress code so dissected; when he posed with George Osborne in Downing Street, his tieless, leather-jacketed look standing in stark contrast to the Chancellor’s, the press was as breathless as if a supermodel had blown in. “Britain,” declared no less venerable an authority than the Daily Telegraph, “is crying out for a politician who looks like Yanis Varoufakis.

Perhaps there's some panic in reaction.

As Tom referenced earlier, Rob Parenteau pointed out what seems like a viable option for Greece, without violating EZ rules: Get a TAN, Yanis: A Timely Alternative Financing Instrument for Greece

Malmo's Ghost said...


Varoufakis is engaging and good looking. He's very likable too. But that's not the same as how Greeks in general are perceived.

I read the Parenteau piece, but think it won't get off the ground with EZ overlords.

NeilW said...

"Feb 28 looks to be DDay for Greece"


Because they said so?

Have a think about what is happening by 'March the 5th at the latest'.