Monday, March 16, 2015

Peter Hobson — No, Crimea Is Not 'Suffering Reign of Terror' Under Russian Rule

The Moscow Times, a liberal anti-government government newpaper that supports the Western viewpoint. It's a news front for the Russian "fifth column." It's somewhat surprising then, when , it jumps ship and throws Victoria Nuland under the bus for being so over the top as to appear ridiculous.

When American generals starting talking about having to kill Russians on Fox News and a representative of the US State Department talks nonsense, Russian liberals find themselves being undermined and are apparently concerned that they would appear ridiculous themselves if they don't speak up.

The Moscow Times
No, Crimea Is Not 'Suffering Reign of Terror' Under Russian Rule
Peter Hobson, business editor at The Moscow Times


Oriental Review
German sociologists on Crimea’s choice
Konstantin Kosaretsky, Ukrainian freelance journalist and writer

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