Sunday, July 12, 2015

MIsh — Tsipras' Choice: Total Capitulation or Grexit; Text of 4-Page Eurozone Demands

Merkel and Schäuble's choice for Tsipras is either accept deeper austerity that will put Greece further behind the eight ball, or Grexit.

Notice that Germany can claim that Greece chose to leave rather than being thrown out. 

This is apparently what the negotiation has been about all along, at least in Schäuble's mind.

MISH'S Global Economic Trend Analysis
Tsipras' Choice: Total Capitulation or Grexit; Text of 4-Page Eurozone Demands
Mike "Mish" Shedlock


Dan Lynch said...

"The wording of this document makes it clear Germany wants to push Greece out of the eurozone."

I wonder if Tsipras will commit suicide, or resign? I don't think he is up to this.

Tom Hickey said...

I wonder if Tsipras will commit suicide, or resign? I don't think he is up to this.

That was the intention. That's what making an example means.

Wait till you see what they do to the Greek people.

This is colonization.

It won't be much different from the Nazi occupation.

The eurocrats see Greece as a Communist country that needs to be reformed along neoliberal lines "whatever that takes."

Remember, these people are thugs.

Dan Lynch said...

You used to think I was joking when I would say we were ruled by psychopaths. :-)

Peter Pan said...

Did the clowns in Athens not just accept deeper austerity?