Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Scott Walker: Sadistic, twerpy little asshole who thinks he's got a shot at becoming president.

Scott Walker announced his candidacy for president today. The guy barely survived a RECALL election in his own state (Wisconsin). Ask yourself how many governors are subject to recalls?

This wannabe bully trampled all over working people's rights in his state. He and Wisconsin's Republican controlled Legislature rammed through a vote that ended collective bargaining for public employees. He's come out against the minimum wage calling it lame and calling any discussion of it, lame.

Then he rolls out the same, tired, debunked, bullshit arguments that all Conservatives (e.g. Chris Christie) spew out: that all we need to do is improve worker skills and training. Hey, morons...wage and salary gains of the most highly trained workers, like fucking software engineers, for example, have not kept pace with corporate profits so please explain to us how all we need is more training.

Please, whoever's saying this...a) stop with the bullshit already and; b) wise up.

He cut education funding. I didn't know this until recently, but Madison, Wisconsin ranks 26th in the nation as the city with the most PhD's per capita. Let's see how long that lasts. It's gonna look like Biloxi, Mississippi pretty soon.

He's sadistic as most Conservatives are. They take pleasure in harming the most vulnerable. It makes them feel superior, I guess.

Finally, Walker is a sink hole for Koch bro's money. That ought to tell you something right there.

And there's all you need to know about Scott Walker, asshole and Republican candidate for  president.


mike norman said...


I think Donald is a total narcissist, but I'll take him anyday over the other GOP morons. At least he's for expanding Social Security, single payer health care (and bringing costs down), infrastructure rebuilding. Those are admirable goals. Furthermore I don't believe he is a racist and bigot. I met the guy many times. I really don't.

Random said...

It doesn't matter Mike. Americans could elect the ghost of Vladimir Lenin as President if they wanted. Congress makes legislation and the GOP have gerrymandered the house and packed it to the brim with right wing libertarians. Until the house is taken and by a progressive left the rich will remain Kings.

Anonymous said...

For some reason, that shot reminds me of Frank Gorshin, playing the part of a smug little sociopathic brat. Koch-heads are so easy to I.D.